Redeem into a Notice Deposit Investment account
About Notice Deposit
Kickstart your investment with a minimum opening deposit of just R250. You get to choose your own notice period of 7, 14, 21, 32, 45 or 60 days and earn more interest the longer you invest. Start earning competitive interest from the first deposit and make unlimited deposits and transfers from R100. Your interest rate is based on your account balance and notice period.
Notice Deposit features and benefits
You can:
- keep your Notice Deposit account opened for as long as you need
- view the latest interest rates
- add to your saving whenever you want.
- transfer interest in to any other account
- access your investment at the end of your notice period
- have multiple Notice Deposit Accounts for different savings needs
- Link your bank card for access on the Standard Bank Banking App, Standard Bank website or at Standard Bank ATMs.
How to Redeem your Rewards Points into Notice Deposit
There are two ways to redeem into your Notice Deposit account. You can sign into your UCount Rewards account or call the UCount Rewards Contact Centre on 0860 UCOUNT (82 68 68).
For online redemption:
- Sign in to your UCount Rewards account
- Click on the "Online Redemption Portal" tab
- Click on the "Savings and Investment" tab
- Add "Notice Deposit" to your basket
- Select your quantity
- Select "Deposit in Standard Bank Notice Deposit account"
- Select the Rand equivalent for your redemption
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